December 20, 2007
Canadian architecture: The big picture
Cultural Resources, is pleased to announce the availability of Views of
20th Century Canada: The Canadian Architectural Photography Web
Project. This online resource provides an image repository containing
10,000 photographs of the Canadian built environment. It also contains
educational resources related to Canadian architecture and architectural
photography. Featured images come from collections of the Canadian
Architectural Archives and include: Calgary Modern, John Flanders,
Thomas Mawson, Panda Associates, and Donovan and Eunice Williams.
October 25, 2007
New stuff! 'scape subscription and featured books
Also, if these feature books don't quench your thirst for exciting new materials, check out our New Books Spotlight page or come in and browse the new book shelf here in the library...get it while it's hot and fresh!

Each issue of 'scape is oriented around a single principle subject, with four profiles of internationally significant projects and personalities, three critiques by knowledgeable authors, and important information from other areas of landscape architecture and town planning.
The first issue of 2007 is entitled 'Tempting Strategies.' Articles focus on the urban revival of Bogota, the growing consumption of space worldwide, a profile of Dutch architect and urban planner Sjoerd Soeters, and a review of villages and gardens for senior citizens.
The Architect, the cook and good taste

Cooking and building have forever been among humanity's most basic occupations. While both are rooted in necessity, they also possess a cultural and sensory, aesthetic dimension. Both arts give expression to periods of human cultural history and both accord a central role to the materials employed. They involve measuring and proportioning, shaping and designing, assembling and composing.
This book pursues the astonishing parallels and deeply rooted connections between the art of building and that of cooking. Essays take up questions of materiality and proportioning, and attention is given to food cultivation and architecture, to the places where meals are prepared as well as a range of different culinary spaces.

This book documents the work of one of Japan's most prolific and innovative young architects, known for his complex wooden structures and ornate roofing tiles.
Selected projects include the new Shimane Arts Center, and extensive museum and theater complex, the municipal library in Tokamachi and the botanical museum in Makino. These, and other projects from 1985-2005, are presented with numerous technical drawings showing all their details and material characteristics.
September 26, 2007
Goodbye Jason!
Hello everyone,
It’s with mixed feelings that we announce Jason Tran's departure from the Musagetes Architecture Library. His last day is this Friday. Jason has been our Library Clerk/Collections from the time the library was established three years ago. He has played a big part in fostering and maintaining a good working relationship between the library and faculty, students, and staff in the library and the School of Architecture. We’re sorry to see him go.
Jason graduated from UW with an undergraduate degree in Planning and was recently presented with not one but two job offers in his preferred field. Leaving family and friends behind, he has chosen to go explore the wilds of Alberta. His new position as a planner for a regional municipality close to Edmonton will offer Jason new experiences and challenges (and even colder winters). Please come in to say goodbye and wish him well before he leaves.
Michele and Staff
September 21, 2007
Upcoming Workshops: RefWorks, GIS
Introduction to RefWorks - Wednesday October 3rd @ 12:45pm
RefWorks is an online tool you can use to create and manage your own citation database which will help you organize sources, create instant bibliographies and even embed citations right into your paper! This session will show you why RefWorks is such a great resource, how to set up an account, and get you started on importing citations for all of your research materials. Bring your laptop and follow along!
Introduction to GIS - Thursday October 4th @ 12:45pm
Geospacial Information Systems (GIS) are collections of hardware, software and data that are used to capture, manage and display geographically referenced information for the purposes of analysis and map creation. This session will highlight what GIS can do, the data and programs that are available to Waterloo students, reliable web resources, and how to access GIS services through our library.
We will not get into actually using GIS software during this session. Instruction in ArcGIS, the program licensed for use in UW libraries, can be obtained on an individual, by appointment basis by contacting me (Sara) at
*Additional or follow-up sessions for both RefWorks and GIS will be held to serve popular demand. Leave a comment or send me an email if there are times that would better serve you or if you are interested in learning more about either of these resources.
September 10, 2007
Changes to the TUG Lending Policy
1. All items from the Annex will now circulate for either 2 weeks or for term loan. This includes periodicals.
2. Reserve Fines have increased dramatically. Items on loan for 1 to 3 hours will be fined 5cents/minute, up to $100. Items on loan for 1 to 3 days* will be fined $20/day, up to $100.
More information about overdue fines can be found here.
*These new fines automatically apply to the DVDs in our Film Collection. DVD fines are still $1/day, this money does not go to the library, but towards buying more DVDs. Library staff will eventually clear these fines from your account and will transfer the actual fines to our Film Collection ledger. Beware, however, that this can only be done during weekdays and know that your account will be blocked once you have more than $30 in fines.
Back to School
It's very exciting to see the school full of people again and to have some traffic in the library!
We spent all summer shifting our collection to make room for new books and gearing up to help you with all your upcoming projects.
September is going to be a busy month! There will be some changes and new faces in the library this fall. Michele may visit one of your classes for some research instruction, and I will be giving seminars on RefWorks and GIS in the very near future. Be on the lookout for posting on the blog and around the library for the dates of these events.
Just got your first research assignment? Need to find some journal articles or floor plans? Just come to the front desk and ask us for help with anything!
Have a great year!
September 5, 2007
August 20, 2007
A house divided
Is it a toy, art, therapy or social commentary? Forman discusses his school project with the Toronto Star.
July 5, 2007
New! Environmental Design DVD
You'll find this great resource in the WAC Film Collection....check it out today!
June 29, 2007
Introducing...the Instant Librarian!!!
June 28, 2007
Get help with RACER!
Through the Interlibrary Loan Office we can obtain books and articles from libraries of all kinds all around the world.
UW now has instructional screencasts that walk you through all the features of this online service.
From the basics of logging in, to ordering books and journal articles, to checking the status and history of your's everything you ever needed to know about the largest network of research material on the planet!
Rome Reborn
The website offers pictures, video, audio, documents and news about the process and the progress towards making the project widely available to the academic community.
June 25, 2007
New Books, New Ideas!
The definitive history of experimental architecture since 1945, Visionary Architecture contains three essential sections: a thematic overview of the most important and far-reaching work produced in the last sixty years; a survey of contemporary experimental practices, shown through case studies of some of the most exciting names in architecture such as Diller + Scofidio, Asympote, Morphosis and NOX; and an illustrated glossary of ideas, movements, people and terms. This book has lots of cool ideas and numerous illustrations.
Catch up with the latest design innovations! Design Life Now features eighty-seven individuals and companies that are changing the face of design including Pixar, Apple, Google, Nike, Target, Narcisco Rodriguez, Tobias Wong, Santiago Calatrava, Herman Miller and NASA. Four original essays by the exhibition’s curators, profiles of the designers and over 400 vibrant illustrations bring to life the ways in which these designers are challenging existing paradigms and expanding our understanding of the design world.
In Europe 75% of the population now live in cities. The figure for Asia is 40%. But what about the city of tomorrow? What kinds of buildings will it have, and what kinds of public spaces? What ideas and concepts will shape the next twenty years? These are the issues raised by Architecture Tomorrow in its survey of the living environment in an increasingly globalized world. Whether designed for work or leisure, for living or business, for health or education, urban spaces are becoming steadily more hybrid… And because transversality is what the 21st century is all about, architecture is borrowing from other disciplines – especially contemporary art - and broadening its scope via technology transfers. Thanks to computers, architects are now exploring new domains and turning their spatial dreams into realities.
June 19, 2007
Important! New ILL Fines!
All books processed through RACER that become overdue after June 18/07 will be charged $1 for each day it is overdue, to a maximum of $30 per book.
June 8, 2007
Google Waterloo
June 5, 2007
June 1, 2007
Public Art in Hamilton
Do you have some ideas? You can contribute by:
Attending a Workshop, or filling out an online Survey.
RefWorks Tutorial
Get more help with RefWorks.
Interested in attending a RefWorks Workshop? Is there another instructional workshop you would like to Library to facilitate? What days and time are best for you guys?
Let us know by posting your comments!
May 31, 2007
New Journal - Volume
Back issues will be added soon. In the meantime, check out the latest issue focused on the architecture of destruction...

Cities Unbuilt. To beyond or not to be.
"In an age of conflict, civil war and the (re)construction of urban spaces, destruction has become an alternative form of architecture, challenging both the traditional role and place of architecture and various forms of international supervision. Volume examines this new realism through a variety of different studies, including Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon and Kosovo."
This journal [NA 1 .V65x] is indexed in Avery.
May 25, 2007
RACER Updates
For this reason, do not write anything in the Comment Box unless absolutely necessary. All requests with comments will be dealt with by a human and this may slow down processing time.
May 22, 2007
Learn about RefWorks!
There will be an Introduction to RefWorks presentation this Thursday, May 24 @12.45pm in the back of the library.
Feel free to bring your laptop so you can follow along with the PowerPoint presentation that will show you how to set up an account and get started with RefWorks!
Avery and ARTstor....together at last!
In fact, all databases from the CSA vendor do. Now architects, anthropologists, biologists, historians and many others will now be presented with 2D and 3D images from ARTstor, and Wikipedia articles that match their keyword searches.
Just click on "Discovery Links" at the top of your results page to get automatic results!
Due Date Slips
Please check your online account for due dates, to make renewals and keep track of the status of requests/holds.
May 17, 2007
The Library Needs You!
What would you do with this space? How should it be used? Sky's the is no object!
Come take a look and tell us what you think. We want your ideas, your plans, your hopes and your dreams! We want to know what you would do with the pole in the middle of the bloody room!
Come on! Let's get excited about the most boring room on campus!
May 10, 2007
Journal article searching
Keywords are searched across multiple databases covering various disciplines. Basically, it's a quick and dirty search for people who may not know which topic-specific databases to use for their research.
Architecture students and faculty should be aware that you will be seeing citations to articles from non-architecture journals, as well as the usual suspects like Blueprint and Architectural Record. The upside is that many of these articles will be available to read immediately by clicking "Get it @ UW".
As an example, a search of "David Adjaye" results in 160 citations using the new search box. The most recent article is dated February 2007. The same search in the Avery Index returns 33 citations, the most recent being November 2006.
Give it a try and let us know what you think!
May 9, 2007
JSTOR links to ARTstor

Using the BASIC search, user can find relevant articles, images from articles and images from the ARTstor database matching their keywords.
To see a variety of the images available, enter "courtyard garden" into the Basic Search box. On the Search Results page, click on the ARTstor Images tab.

May 8, 2007
New E-Journals!
Each issue of Architype Review focuses on a specific building typology. Projects featured in this publication are "challenging the limits and redefining the norms of a certain building type." Images and content are supplied by the creative teams behind the projects. Past issues have featured innovative schools, houses, offices and university buildings.
The International Journal of Architectural Heritage provides " a multidisciplinary scientific overview of existing resources and modern technologies useful for the study and repair of historical buildings and other structures." First published in March 2007, this journal has featured articles on buildings in Mexico, Italy and Slovenia.
Neither journal is indexed in the Avery Index.
See all of our E-Journals relating to architecture and design.
May 4, 2007
Chinese Architecture collection
We've added to our growing collection of books on the history of Chinese architecture with two beautifully illustrated volumes from China Architecture & Building Press.
The brick and stone art of ancient Chinese architecture by Lou Qingxi explores the use of brick and stone sculpture as decorative elements with over 600 colour photographs and line drawings.
Ma Weidu, an eminent Beijing antique collector examines the design, construction and evolution of Classical Chinese doors and windows in this new book. Beautiful photographs help to delve into the cultural implications and aesthetic significance of this ancient craft.
Check out these books and more on the New Book Shelf in the library every week, or on our Book of the Month website!
May 1, 2007
Spring Term 2007
Our job here at the library is to help you along with all your information needs, and to this extent we will be offering some educational opportunities in the near future...
Keep your eyes open for announcements concerning hands-on Introduction to RefWorks Workshops that will be happening later this month. RefWorks is a great academic tool and I will be giving as many small group sessions as necessary to satisfy the demand.
As always, please feel free to contact me with any questions about the library and its services.
Welcome back!
WAC Film Collection
April 13, 2007
NEW! Musagetes News
I will be constantly updating this page with news about workshops, seminars, GIS information, new books and electronic resources, school events and other library and architecture related news.
Check back often or subscribe to our RSS feed to keep up to date with all that's happening here at the library.
We are your most important resource as you navigate through your studies, and now we make it easier for you...even from off campus or while away on a work term!