December 1, 2010
RACER Upgrades
So if you're looking for items outside of the TUG library system, order them now!
As always, we're extremely sorry for any inconvenience.
October 27, 2010
Get to know your library...

This Thursday, October 28th from 5-7pm
Come meet your library staff, learn more about our services and browse some highlights from our Rare Book collection. You can also borrow a movie from our Film Collection for FREE! (*limit one per person)
There will be drinks, treats and prizes to be won! All you have to do is show up... see you there!
October 14, 2010
Tonight: Get some sleep

- attend film screenings
- borrow movies from the library
- suggest new DVD purchases
and most importantly...
- submit your short film for the 1/4 to 9 closing event! It's easy, just send a link to your video via Twitter or email!
September 29, 2010
It's a 1/4 to 9...
"1/4 to 9" will feature four other films to follow throughout the term, ending with a night of short films created by the school community. For more information about the films to come, keep an eye on our blog. If you want your film screened on closing night, send your entry to us via Twitter.

September 22, 2010
Knit CamBRIDGE - the finished product
Congratulations to Cambridge Artist-in-residence Sue Sturdy for bringing the community together to pull off such a large scale project. See our earlier post for more information about the project.
We have a great view of the bridge from our reading corner in the library... drop in and check it out!
July 8, 2010
Drawing the line
Under the direction of Hugh Thompson, students work to further their drawing skills with a focus on sites of historical significance.
While this year's students are busy putting pen to paper, the works produced by last year's class of 18 graduate students are now on display at Musagetes. Many sketches outline the architectural forms and details of buildings within walking distance of the school. Drop by the library and see if you can recognize any!
April 19, 2010
Why Architecture Matters

Paul Goldberger, Architecture Critic for The New Yorker, will be part of the Critical Mass speakers series on May 3rd in Toronto (tickets at The conversation will also include Sasha Frere-Jones, Robin Givhan, Eric Friesen, Michael Enright and Jeanne Beker.
If you can't make it to the lecture you can watch his interview on The Colbert Report, in which Paul and Stephen argue about whether or not American architecture still has "big tits".
You can also check out his latest book, Why Architecture Matters, and many others on display in the library.
April 13, 2010
...together at last!
The film explores the changing perceptions of urban space and interactive architecture by speaking with freerunners, architects, planners, politicians and philosophers across Europe and Asia. It also follows Denmark's Team JiYo through the process of creating the world's first and largest dedicated parkour park in Copenhagen.A YouTube search for JiYo Park will bring up plenty o' videos showing the park in use.
March 9, 2010
Her goal is to cover the Main Street bridge in downtown Galt with knitting. We're sure to have the best view in town of the colourful finished project!
We have a basket of knitting in our reading corner. Drop by the library to take a break and help contribute to the's good for your health! You can knit a full piece or just a row or two, and add your name to the knitting journal.

March 5, 2010
Worth watching...
The Third & The Seventh from Alex Roman on Vimeo.
February 25, 2010
More than meets the eye
Reality is becoming so much more than just what we see in front of us. It is being created by companies and individuals at the global scale and in the palm of our hand. Want to change the world? There's an app for that...
Check out these two examples of the potential that exists to augment our perceived reality of buildings and space:
SARA brought to you by the Netherlands Architecture Institute is "the worlds first mobile architecture application featuring augmented reality with 3D models."
And Microsoft demonstrated the astonishing capabilities for augmenting reality in Bing Maps at this year's TED conference... and you thought Google Earth was cool.
February 10, 2010
Do you have a burning desire...
Musagetes Poetry Contest!
February 10th - 24th
This year's theme is: FIRE
Poems can be any length and any style, ranging from witty one liners to passionate epics spanning continents and generations.
Drop your entries into the bag in the library, or post them on our contest board for all to see! You can win Hot, Hotter and Hottest prizes!
Main Entry: FIRE
Pronunciation: \ˈfi(-ə)r\
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English fȳr; akin to Old High German fiur fire, Greek pyr
Date: before 12th century
Function: noun
1 a : the phenomenon of combustion manifested in light, flame, and heat b : burning passion : ardor : liveliness of imagination : inspiration
2 : fuel in a state of combustion
3 a : a destructive burning b : death or torture by fire
4 : brilliancy, luminosity
5 a : the firing of weapons b : intense verbal attack or criticism c : a rapidly delivered series
— on fire 1 : being consumed by fire : aflame 2 : eager, burning
Function: verb
1 a : to set on fire : kindle : ignite b : to give life or spirit to : inspire : to fill with passion or enthusiasm c : to light up as if by fire
2 a : to drive out or away by or as if by fire b : to dismiss from a position
3 a : to become irritated or angry —often used with up b : to become filled with excitement or enthusiasm
4 a : to emit or let fly an object
5 : to tend a fire
6 : to transmit a nerve impulse